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Category: Car Brands

30 November

Founded: 1937Founder: Kiichiro ToyodaHeadquarters: Toyota City, JapanOfficial Site: www.toyota.com Toyota Logo Meanings There are three ovals in the Toyota logo that are combined in a horizontally symmetrical configuration. The two perpendicular ovals inside the larger oval represent the heart of the customer and the heart of the company. They are overlapped to represent a mutually beneficial relationship and trust […]

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29 November

GEELY Founded: 1997 Website: www.global.geely.com Geely is the 7th largest automobile company in China. Geely Auto focuses on “Making Refined Cars for Everyone”. The first model of the Geely car was a hatchback X9 SUV. GAC Motor Founded: 1997 Website: www.gagc.com.cn GAC is currently known for its Honda-branded auto producing joint venture with this Japanese automaker. These […]

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28 November

The very first Russian car was produced at Yakovlev-Freeze plant, which had been founded in 1891 and produced internal combustion engines. For some time, cars of the make Mercedes were produced with Russian-built bodyworks! Nowadays, the popularity of Russian cars has made a drop. Nevertheless, in accordance with new cars sales statistics, some cars of […]

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